Ted Bundy's final conversation on Earth was with a psychologist who he interveiwed with the day before his exececution. Ted admits in this interveiw that he knows the things he did were wrong and he had in fact asked God for forgivness. He starts off the interveiw by explaining how he had gotten to be this way and how his addiction to hard-core pornography "fueled the terrible crimes he committed". Ted seems to have nothing to hide. He explains how his first experience with porn was finding magazines in a dump outside his house at the early age of 12-13. After pictures began to get boring he moved on to videos. After that violent videos, and eventually he had become so addicted that to get his "fix" he had to make the deadly transition for fantasy to reality. He studied women and learned how to lure then away. For years, and in different locations, Ted would hunt down women, brutally rape them, and then kill them, dumping the bodies in a remote area. Bundy made it clear towards the end of the interveiw that if it were not for his addiction to pornography, and many other men's addictions to pornography, the killer deep within him would have ceased to emerge.
Although I have already mentioned some things about Ted Bundy's interveiw with psychologist James Dobson in another post, I feel that many important things were said and pureintamicy.org approached it from a different standpoint than I had when I had only watched the video of the interveiw. This article starts off by saying "In that interview, he described the agony of his addiction to pornography." Obviously, from a Christian writer's standpoint Ted was indeed a victim himself which I do partially agree with being a Christian myself. I think that all of us are capable of doing the things Ted did, but most of us are not as vulnerable as to letting things become an addiction and carry out certain urges. I'm sure everyone has been so angry that they could kill someone, but our normal working consciences and steady judgement keeps us from committing certain acts. I do beleive that Ted was mentally ill to some extend and that he did not have an average conscience. Psychologists could have very well learned a lot from Ted if he were kept alive.
"Fatal Addiction." Pure Intimacy. Focus on the Family, n.d. Web. 21 Apr 2010.
It bothers me when they say that porn made him do it. Good source to discuss!
ReplyDeleteBelieve - i before e ! You've done this on every post so far!
to some extend/extent